Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 655: Secret

"Um, yeah sure." Caroline pressed her soda into Jesse’s hand. She was glad he hadn’t snapped at her again, and even more glad to feel as though she was being of some help to him. He so didn’t look good.

After a few sips, Jesse dragged himself up into a slouched, seated position. "Thanks," he said, handing the soda back to her.

Their fingers brushed, but Caroline couldn’t enjoy it. "Are you okay? You look kind of pale?"

"So it’s noticeable?" Jesse grimaced, though it wasn’t that different from the pained expression he already wore.

"Maybe if you eat something."

He nodded. "I’ll hit the concession stand." But he didn’t move. He didn’t seem capable of it, even though he did look better than when she’d first saw him, which just proved how bad off he’d been to begin with.

Caroline took a deep breath and sat beside Jesse on the padded bench. She passed him her tub of popcorn.

"Thanks," he said, slowly lifting a couple pieces to his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. "You don’t have to stay. I don’t want you to miss the start of your movie. I’m okay."

"Are you?" She was borderline teary as she looked at him. She’d crushed on him for a long time. It wasn’t exactly fun to see him so run down or whatever.

"I’m good. Could you not tell anybody about this? I mean there’s probably nothing wrong with me, it’s you know, just a virus or something, a passing thing. So don’t tell anybody, okay? I don’t want this getting back to my parents."

"But they should-"

"They’re happy, finally. It’s hardly ever like that. I don’t want to mess it up for no reason. I don’t want them blaming each other cause I’m sick, when I’m probably okay. So don’t tell anybody, please. Can this just be our secret?"

"Okay." Caroline wasn’t sure it was right, but she really liked Jesse and she wanted him to like her, too. She would tell someone if he didn’t seem better really soon.

Episode 656: Give Your Heart A Break

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