Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 635: Nobody Knows Me

Phillip cleared his throat. He hadn’t expected to face a family reunion, let alone to have all of them; his daughters, their husbands, and even his little granddaughter stare at him as if they were a firing squad.

He didn’t see where he’d done anything wrong. He wanted the best for his kids. Surely, the older Tansy grew, the more Justine would understand that and not loathe him so. He missed her, not only in the office where she would have worked so well alongside him; he missed the day to day of knowing his eldest child and loving her.

No. He still loved her, regardless of the misguided choices she’d made in her life. "It’s nice to see you, Justine."

She gave him nothing. He crouched to her daughter’s height. "You sure make a cute superhero, Tansy."

"I’m not cute today, I’m fierce."

"I wouldn’t expect anything less of your mother’s daughter."

"I like my mom."

"I like her, too."

The little girl made a face at that, turned abruptly from him and held on to her mom. With a sigh, Phillip rose once more to his full height, all eyes still on him, as if his presence in his daughter’s home was unfathomable and suspect.

"So," he asked, "do you get together like this all the time?"

"Just because you decreed that I should be disowned," Justine said, "it doesn’t mean everyone feels the same way." She grabbed her sister’s hand. "And just because you don’t approve of Addie’s talent, it doesn’t mean the rest of us won’t sit in the audience and cheer her on."

"That’s why I’m here." Phillip reached into the breast pocket of his coat and handed a business card to Adria. She stared at it, as did her husband.

"Is this talent agent preprogrammed to tell her how awful she is, and shatter her confidence?" Ryley asked.

"She’ll look out for your wife and ensure the rough waters of the acting business don’t touch her."

"Right," Justine snarled. "You’re supporting Addie in what she wants."

"I am."

Every jaw dropped except for Phillip’s.

Episode 636: Astounded

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