Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 528: Big Shot

"My father is Phillip Marques," Bas informed the bank manager.

Avalon gave him a look. He knew she’d give him a look. But she didn’t say anything. She wanted this. She’d been so excited about the bookstore that she couldn’t entirely object to him using his family name to try to make it happen for her.

More than anything else, Sebastian lived to make things happen for her.

"You may be his son, but you’re not him. I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do for you."

Bas didn’t care if this guy said no to him, but to Ava? Well, it made him a little angry. He roared up out of his seat. "Like hell, you can’t do anything! It just makes you feel like a big man to crush her dreams. I guess that’s just how you compensate for being small in other-"

"Sebastian." Ava touched his arm, and the next thing he knew they were walking on the sidewalk in silence.

"I’m sorry," he said.

"It’s not your fault; I knew getting a loan would be a long shot for us right now."

But Bas did blame himself.

If he’d done more with his life by now, made it on his own like Ava was so vehement they do, he’d have more assets than a last name. He could have gotten her that loan. Made her happy. Made her dreams come true. Even Xavier had managed that much once upon a time, and that guy was the worst thing ever for her.

"I just wish I didn’t have to tell Bowie," Ava said. "He was so looking forward to a fresh start." So was she. And Bas was determined to make it happen for her before she realized what dead weight he was, and looked for that fresh start with someone else.

Episode 529: Love, Oh Love

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