Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 345: Through The Rain

Sebastian adjusted his bow tie, smoothed his blond hair, took a deep breath and exited the employee locker room heading through the kitchen out to the floor at a stunted pace. His feet still pinched from last night’s shift.

For the past month he’d endured endless aches, dress downs from the manager, and society looky-loos who’d shown up to mock Phillip Marques’ fallen son.

To top it off, unable to swing rent on his own he accepted his old girlfriend Kylie’s surprising offer to move into her apartment. But she insisted it be strictly platonic while padding around in little white tank tops and boxers. Not exactly ideal for a guy who’d first been too depressed then too busy trying to figure out how to make a living, to hook up.

Yet despite all these legitimate reasons to hurl himself off a bridge or at least beg for his parents to put him back on the payroll, Sebastian wore a smile.

Happier than he’d ever been.

Maybe his life wasn’t perfect or anywhere near a breeze but he’d achieve what little he had on his own. For the first time he felt like an adult.

Episode 346: Man Of The House

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