Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 1218: Spread Love On Christmas

“How’s our boy?” Ava asked, keeping her voice down.

“Finally fell asleep.” Bas dropped onto the sofa beside his wife and their elderly cat. “This looking after baby thing is no joke. We’re bigger, how do we tire out way faster than he ever does?”

“Maybe we cursed ourselves by naming him Hardy. He’s taking the meaning of the word to heart, more than living up to having robust lung power and even more robust energy. We’re tag teaming this and it’s still a lot.”

“Yeah, more sleep would be good, but I mean, we’ll get there sooner than later, right?” he asked.

“We just have to keep trying to stick to a schedule for him and eventually he’ll get on board and we won’t feel like zombies all the time.” Ava reached out, petting Shelby for a moment before meeting Sebastian’s eyes with a frown. “I need to tell you something. While you were in the bedroom getting Hardy to sleep, I made some decisions for us when I should have discussed these things with you first. Your father called.”

Sebastian grimaced. “Maybe I should wake up Hardy. Hearing him holler his head off would be music to my ears compared with how discussions about my father usually go. How has he overstepped now? I haven’t talked to him about all that yet. I guess I still need to, I just, it’s been much nicer cocooning here with you two rather than dealing with it. But if he’s pressuring you again in some way-”

“He’s not. It was an okay conversation. He’s actively trying to listen to me rather than bulldoze on through. But I am a little guilty of bulldozing here,” she said. “I should have talked to you, we’re meant to be communicating about these things not making decisions with no input. I turned down your father’s offer a few minutes ago to hire us a nanny. I figured since we are planning to take Hardy to work with us when we go back, it’s not necessary, but if you are that exhausted we can talk about a nanny. Just not one your father chooses and pays.”

“I’m good with sticking with the plan as long as you are.”

“Okay. Well, he also asked us to attend your mother’s Christmas fundraiser. He said Hardy was welcome, too, but I turned him down.”

“Again, not a problem. I would have said the same thing. Too many germs and obnoxious people and you don’t want to spend time with my parents which I fully understand. And I’m not a fan of those events either.”

“Yeah, but the thing is I did invited your parents here for Christmas, with my dad,” she said.

“Are you delirious from a lack of sleep?”

Episode 1218: All I Want For Christmas

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