Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 114: Mudkicker

"The world does not revolve around Sebastian; he’s not a baby, if he’s skipping school that’s his responsibility," Katherine groused, while rolling pantyhose up her leg.

"I’ll have a talk with him anyway, he is still young, and he needs a nudge now and then." Phillip said fussing with his hair in front of the mirror.

"Or a good swift kick," his wife added, under her breath. She didn’t know that he heard.

He fiddled with his briefcase the lock had been sticking lately. "Has Sebastian done something that I’m unaware of or are you just in a mood?"

"A mood I guess," she answered solemnly.

Phillip sat down beside her at the end of the bed, he almost placed his hand at the small of her back but hesitated and lost as she stood up to go to the closet. "Has that girl, um, Avalon, has she returned yet? Maybe you’re overworked; you should hire a new assistant or borrow one of mine for the time being,"

"She hasn’t come back and I don’t know if she’s coming back, but I’m not filling the position." Katherine was on her hands and knees rummaging through the closet for who knows what. "Phillip, I feel like I killed that girl’s mother."

Her husband was silent, and then she heard the click of his briefcase closing. "You know that I’ve never liked any of this experimenting I don’t think it’s right, save it for cosmetics."

A red Tod’s loafer came flying in his direction. "Thanks Phillip, thanks so much."

Episode 115: With Arms Wide Open

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