Top 5 Episodes

Almost Human's Top 5

  1. Angels with Dirty Minds
  2. Bad Will Hunting
  3. Frisky Business
  4. Stormy Heather
  5. Desperately Seeking Heather

These are the newest 10 lists that have been submitted, from newest to oldest

Erik Freund's Top 5 (Alexandria, VA USA)

  1. Stormy Heather
  2. Frisky Business
  3. Bad Will Hunting
  4. Torn Between Two Mothers
  5. Desperately Seeking Heather

Pat's Top 5 (Drexel Hill, PA USA)

  1. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?
  2. Bad Will Hunting
  3. Dysfunction Junction
  4. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?
  5. Bad Will Hunting

Katie's Top 5 (Franklin, MA USA)

  1. Torn Between Two Mothers
  2. Stormy Heather
  3. Frisky Business
  4. Pilot
  5. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?

Drew Murphy's Top 5 (Los Angeles, CA USA)

  1. Bad Will Hunting
  2. Frisky Business
  3. Stormy Heather
  4. Pilot
  5. Dysfunction Junction

Troy Hamilton's Top 5

  1. Bad Will Hunting
  2. Frisky Business
  3. Pilot
  4. Stormy Heather
  5. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?

Paula Fitzhenry's Top 5 (Marblehead, MA USA)

  1. Pilot
  2. Dysfunction Junction
  3. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?
  4. Stormy Heather
  5. Frisky Business

Stephen's Top 5 (Anthony, NC USA)

  1. Frisky Business
  2. Stormy Heather
  3. Pilot
  4. Dysfunction Junction
  5. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?

Dana Williams' Top 5 (Los Angeles, CA USA)

  1. Pilot
  2. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?
  3. Dysfunction Junction
  4. Frisky Business
  5. Stormy Heather

Mark Sinacori's Top 5 (Lawrence, MA USA)

  1. Frisky Business
  2. Pilot
  3. Dysfunction Junction
  4. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?
  5. Stormy Heather

Troy Hamilton's Top 5 (Quebec, Canada)

  1. Frisky Business
  2. Pilot
  3. Stormy Heather
  4. Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?
  5. Dysfunction Junction

(Click here to see the previous lists submitted by the fans)

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