Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 657: Fighting Gravity

Sebastian slowly opened his eyes and stared at the digital clock on the bedside table. It was the middle of the night, and the third time he’d woken thanks to Avalon. He turned over on his side and faced his fiancée just as she settled on her back. He doubted she’d stay settled for long. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "Do you want to talk about whatever it is?"

Sebastian would have asked her sooner, but, well, it was the middle of the night, he was exhausted, and more than that, he feared he was the cause of her troubles as he too often had been. The thing was, he loved her, and so even if digging into her worries scared him, he was bound to get there eventually. If she had a problem, he wanted to fix it for her, do something, anything, maybe even tell the truth to make her feel better.

"I’m fine." Ava turned on her pillow to look at him. "It’s just work."

"You’re working too hard." He touched her hair, relieved it was only work. "What you need is to play more." Sebastian leaned over her, half his body covering hers as he kissed her. He tugged at the short hem of her nightie but just when things were getting really, really heated, she pushed at his shoulders, stopping him.

"What?" He asked, breathless, and more than a little frustrated.

"Do you have any ideas for the store?"

"Seriously? Now?" Bas shook his head and dove straight back into kissing her.

Avalon pushed him back again. "Seriously. Now."

"Now." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Is seriously not a good time for me to think." He grinned at her. "My blood’s all head in the wrong direction."

His fiancée didn’t grin back at him. "Don’t you have any other ideas for the store? Isn’t it possible we’ve missed something? What about how you got us the loan?"

Every part of him seized at once. He flopped onto his back. He couldn’t look at her. She’d know. Maybe she already knew. His voice shivered along with the rest of him as he asked, "what about it?"

"You must have given them some sort of long-term plan, right? Maybe there’s something there we could use. So what did you tell them?"

"I’m not a business guy; the apple fell far from my father’s tree." He liked to think it had in every respect though sometimes like right that minute, he wondered, because he could look at her. He could look at her and lie, or at least misappropriate the truth.

"Sorry, I never had a master plan. I just went at it from a person angle. I said how much it meant to you and how much you mean to me, how long and hard a fight it’s been for us to get here." He had told that to the person who’d secured him the loan. That person just didn’t work at the bank. That person was his dad. He wanted to tell Ava the truth right then.

Episode 658: A New Day

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