Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 502: If I Could

An old church hall, occasionally home to mammoth weddings, though otherwise retired from religious services, offered, in Adria’s mind, the perfect location to stage her play, unusual enough to peak the curiosity of potential ticket buyers while not seeming the least bit unusual to her parents, whom she’d led to believe would attend her actual wedding.

In Ryley’s mind, that latter part struck him as far from perfect. He cringed at the thought of Phillip and Katherine Marques’ reaction. As Adria, seated before a mirror in a robe, applied a curling iron to her hair, he paced the leading lady’s small, makeshift dressing room. "You need to sit." She frowned at him through the mirror. "You’re making me even more nervous than I already am."

"If you’re nervous then don’t go through with it," he urged. "I don’t know how to get them to see that acting is a part of you, how to win their support, but I don’t think dropping this on them like a bomb is the way to-"

"Bombs away," Adria’s older sister encouraged as she, their brother, and his girlfriend entered.

"I asked you here early to help talk her out of this," Ryley groused. "Are you not thinking of how hurt she’ll be if they’re too ticked off over being duped out of their money to-"

"They deserve to be duped," Justine insisted.

"Ad should get whatever she can from them with the way they’ve forgotten her most of her life," Sebastian seconded, despite a pointed glare from his girlfriend.

"That’s not why I’m doing this. It’s not about getting all the money I can get, or sticking it to mom and dad. I want them to see me act, to see how good I am. To be proud of me," Adria said with the most painfully earnest voice and eyes. At that very moment her parents barged into the room.

Ryley went to Adria, collected her hand, unable to do anything but stand there and wait for her world to implode, wishing he’d kidnapped her, taken her someplace where there was only him. Where no one would break her heart.

Episode 503: Into The Fire

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