Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 479: Keep The Faith

Seated at the vanity, Lila threw her face in her hands, the only thing they were capable of holding now. Her nerves shot to hell this morning. She heard footsteps. It had to be Avalon with the herbal tea she’d ordered for Lila from room service to help calm her. After all these years of resentment and jealousy and just plain annoyance, Lila couldn’t believe how glad she was to have Little Miss Angel Ava by her side.

"Thank goodness you’re here, my hands are useless," Lila griped, rising from her seat and turning to face the other woman. "They’re trembling so badly I can’t apply a stitch of makeup without- Oh, Aunt Cherie, you came."

Neither Lila nor her Aunt moved in for the hug most relations would share after years sight unseen. "Ava, this is my Aunt Cherie. She raised me." Grudgingly. Lila’s constant rebellions and scrapes, especially giving birth to Jesse as a teen, hadn’t made things any more cordial between them. Their entire relationship had been grudging, including this invitation.

"I think we met in passing before," Avalon said. "And of course just now when she and your tea arrived at the same time." Ava was about to leave the cup in Lila’s left hand, then apparently thought better, and folded Lila’s other fingers around the china too, at least semi-steadying the hot liquid.

"So, is this thing actually going to happen this time?" Cherie snarked. "Or should I prepare for another hall of shame moment when you screw some other guy on your way up the aisle or-"

"Stop," Ava barked at the same time as her fingers prevented tea jostling everywhere. "You are welcome to quietly take a seat at the wedding, but you are leaving here now."

Cherie looked miffed to say the least, yet she actually managed a semi-supportive good luck to Lila and left as ordered.

"Now I know where you get your nasty disposition," Ava teased, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Now I know why Bas and Bowie adore you so much," Lila allowed. Though as grateful as she was to Avalon for removing Aunt Cherie’s negative thoughts, she still had a ton of her own jangling like crazy inside her, threatening to destroy everything.

Episode 480: Ready To Run

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