Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 459: Misery

"There’s nothing sorry about a warm, accepting home," Justine’s poor excuse for a husband noted, pulling Phillip’s eldest daughter even tighter into his greasy embrace.

"That shack of a house won’t be that warm when you’re back to just scraping by on that little garage’s earnings," Phillip pointed out to Justine, his voice all but begging her to see reason. "You’re forgetting how your life there was, the luxuries and opportunities you grew up with, the luxuries and opportunities your daughter deserves to grow up with."

"What she deserves are grandparents concerned about her mother’s happiness," Justine fired back, swiping a hand across her eyes.

"Of course we’re concerned," Phillip’s wife snapped. He squeezed her hand tighter, understanding his wife’s anger, the feeling of betrayal.

"Your happiness is all we care about," he informed his ungrateful offspring. More than anything, he wanted his children to be happy. "That’s why it kills us to see you with someone who isn’t going anywhere. You were meant to go places, Justine. You knew it when you were only knee-high, remember? You wanted to follow in my footsteps. You wanted to take the reins and I’ve always wanted to give them to you."

"So give them to her Dad," Adria, his youngest, most idealistic child, piped in. "Let her stay on at the company. Invite Quentin to stay for dinner."

Episode 460: Disturbia

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