Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 281: Vacation

"Jess," Bowie nudged the little boy’s shoulder with the tip of his toes. "It’s almost midnight, you’re gonna miss it."

The child mumbled something as the metallic blue noisemaker slipped from his grasp. Snuggling closer to the body length pillow, his short frame curled up tight in front of the flickering fireplace.

Lila climbed from the sofa and Bowie averted his eyes not sure which image would prove more harmful - the bare small of her back peeking from her pajama bottoms as she bent over or the she was bent over their son, covering him with a quilt, like a caring mom.

The entire weekend, scene after scene, just the same, tugged at the heart he’d tried to harden against her. It’s not that Bowie ever really believed Lila didn’t love the kid, he’d just never witnessed her showing it quite so often and in such a motherly way.

Either she’s finally grown up or it was all some performance to get him back. She hated being alone even more than she hated not having money.

As Lila returned to the sofa cushion next to Bowie, he scooted over, concentrating on the clock, pretending it was any other midnight, telling himself he shouldn’t kiss her, not even for some cockamamie holiday. Hell, most women wouldn’t forgive the most repentant, Tiffany ring toting at least three-time cheater, yet here he was, a guy, veering towards forgiveness, again.

While Bowie contemplated a lobotomy, Lila hooked her arm around his neck, whispered, "happy New Year," and kissed him.

Episode 282: I'll Never Do Better Than You

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