Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 1230: Taking Care Of Business

Phillip checked the clock, with a few minutes to spare before his next appointment, an appointment vital to the future of his company, he rose from his desk. He bent to give Walter a welcome scrub of his belly before doing something he would never have taken the time to do in the past. He scrolled through family photos on his phone.

Many of the pictures were from Christmas, son by his side, grandson in his arms, tree in the background, wearing those silly paper crowns at the dinner table, laughing as though that reformed neanderthal jock, Cal, was in any way clever.

In the past, Phillip would have considered Christmas and the lunches and brunches that had followed to be an utter waste when he could use that time to be productive, further secure acquisitions for his business empire, that sort of thing.

But that was before Phillip had realized quiet quaint family time proved useful in addition to it feeling good to spend time with his son and grandson. Even Avalon, lately, didn’t seem like such a pill.

A crisis had a way of making people come together. Phillip was counting on that. He never would have guessed he’d have been the one rushing his daughter-in-law to the hospital or being her source of support through childbirth, but Phillip had been proud and honored to step up and as an added bonus that night had paid dividends ever since.

Cue his son walking through the doorway with a friendly smile on his face.

“Right on time,” Phillip noted as Walter scurried over to Sebastian for a pat.

“Yeah, something of a miracle,” Sebastian replied. “I wasn’t sure if I’d make it. There was a delivery at the store today so my morning consisted of unpacking and stacking. I was surprised I got it all done in time for this lunch.”

“Productive morning all around then,” Phillip said, when what he really thought was manual labor like unpacking boxes and stacking shelves was beneath his son’s capabilities. Sebastian could and should be doing so much more with his life.

“Since it’s such a nice day, I made a patio reservation so Walter can join us,” Phillip announced.

“I don’t know that I’m ever going to get used to your attachment to that dog, surprises me every time I see you with him, but yeah, sure, it’ll be nice to be outside.”

“Great, we’ll all go then.” Between the humble cafe and the dog in attendance, Phillip hoped lunch would have such a relaxed atmosphere that he could gradually turn the talk to business without Sebastian really noticing until Phillip was deep into his pitch. He thought it the best possibility to be heard and for his proposal to be considered.

Episode 1231: The Offer

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