Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 1215: In His Arms

“Help,” Ava tried, though her voice did not come out nearly as loud as it needed to be. The pain had kind of knocked the wind out of her. With a semi-lull in her discomfort, she did what she could to regain her lung capacity, at least enough of it to give her next shout a bit more thrust. “Help,” she called out again, hoping she was quick enough that whoever rang the doorbell hadn’t already left.

Shelby, treasure of a pet that she was, scurried to the door, clawing at it, adding her kitty yowl to Ava’s next cry for help, a cry that part way through became strangled by another bout of breathtaking pain.

“Avalon? Is that you? What’s going on?” The voice, though muffled by the door, came through enough for Ava to understand it and identify it. She’d have preferred a door to door salesman. Anyone else, really.

“Mr. Marques, the-” pain forced her to pause mid-sentence. “The-” She steadied her breath enough to push out a suitably loud, “baby!”

“Okay. It’s going to be okay, Ava,” Mr. Marques called back. “Can you get to the door? It’s locked and you and Sebastian never saw fit to give me a key.”

He’d never earned a key, but this wasn’t the time to get into that, she needed help and he was the nearest available. She’d been down on one knee in a puddle from her water breaking but with the help of the sofa’s arm, she pried herself up to a standing position. Still, the thought of making her way to the door daunted.

Shelby scurried back to Ava as if to offer encouragement but the distance seemed impossibly far to Ava just then so she called out, “there’s a key under the garden gnome with the yellow hat.”

“It’s not safe to hide a key were anyone could find it!” Mr. Marques lectured back.

“I wish anyone else would have found it!” Ava cringed and this time not from pain. Now was not the moment to offend the only person who could help. “I’m sorry!” Could she even count on this man not to storm off? Not to just leave her to deal with this all by herself? He didn’t have a great history of being there for his own kids even.

She heard the lock, and the creak of the door, footsteps coming inside.

“You really do need a better system than the first place a thief would look for a key,” Mr. Marques said as he approached the living room. “But we can rectify that later. For now, the focus is on getting you safely and quickly to the nearest hospital.”

He put an arm around her, helping her to walk. “We’ll take my car. My driver will do just fine, better than waiting on an ambulance to show up. Do you have an overnight bag ready to go?

“Closet by the door,” Ava replied as the cat took that moment to circle their feet, hampering their forward progress.

Mr. Marques, to Ava’s surprise, didn’t shoo Shelby away, he scooped her up in his free arm and promised she could go along with them.

Episode 1216: How I Roll

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