Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 1208: We Are Family

“Thank you for this son,” Phillip said after Sebastian helped Walter into the backseat. The dog, who ordinarily enjoyed car rides co-operated very little in getting him in there. Phillip squeezed into what remained of the seat not occupied by Walter’s big furry self.

“You’re riding in the back with him?” Sebastian asked.

“Of course. I couldn’t let him go through this by himself.”

“Of course,” Sebastian faintly echoed as he shut the car door. Belted quickly into the driver’s seat, Sebastian asked, “where am I taking you guys? Shelby goes to a vet on Maple, nice lady, but you probably-”

“The animal shelter and clinic where your niece volunteers. Please hurry.”

“Sure. I know where that is.” Sebastian steered the car out on the street. “I just figured you’d have the most expensive vet in the city, the one with the longest waitlist, not a non-profit.”

“The veterinarians at the shelter are more concerned with the animals than with lining their pockets. Their credentials are actually impeccable and more importantly, I’ve seen them in action, I’ve seen how deeply they care. So that’s where I take Walter for his checkups, his grooming, everything. Walter is comfortable there, loves the people and if Tansy happens to be there that will be even better for Walter, she’s his favorite person. Another doctor’s prestige doesn’t hold a candle to those intangibles.”

“You are full of surprises today,” Sebastian observed.

“You’ve told me how tired you’ve been lately,” Cal said, across town in his daughter’s kitchen. “Are you sure this is a good idea/ Why not do takeout instead? I’m really not comfortable leaving you here on your own knowing that you intend to overdo things.”

“Dad, it’s okay, really, I’m okay. Go to your meeting. I’ve already monopolized too much of your day.”

“I have all the time in the world for you. I can just reschedule, stay here, make sure-”

“I’m fine, really. The kitchen has always been a relaxing place for me. I’m glad I thought of this. Trust me, dad, making a special dinner and dessert is going to make me feel so much better than sitting on the couch with nothing to do but think.”

Cal nodded. “You got that from me. I tend to feel better if I do something productive, too,” he said. “But you’re sure being on your feet, making something elaborate isn’t going to be too taxing?”

Episode 1209: The Tide Is High

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