Ordinary World Soap Opera
An Online Soap Opera

Episode 1094: Sisters

“Thanks for calling me,” Adria said. She dropped into the chair next to Justine. “Any word yet?”

Justine shook her head.

The sisters clasped hands. Justine couldn’t remember the last time they’d done that. Hardly ever. No wonder their parents hadn’t thought to call them. Every relationship within their family was fractured to some degree, hadn’t ever truly been whole.

Quentin, his arm around her somehow knew to give her shoulder a squeeze just then. She was lucky to have him. Smart to have married him despite her parents objections. Justine could only hope the same level of support and comfort existed in her siblings marriages, she didn’t know either couple well enough to be certain.

“Is Ryley on his way?” Justine asked her sister.

“Yeah, he left right after I called him, but he was at a meeting two hours away so it will be some time yet before he’s here.”

“Are you all set for a sitter?” Justine asked. “Xavier’s with Hero and Tansy right now. Not that Tansy isn’t old enough to care for Hero herself, it’s just at a time like this it’s reassuring to have adult backup. If you’re in a crunch with child care to get you through this, I’m sure Xavier wouldn’t mind picking up her up from where she is and-”

“We’re good thanks,” Adria cut her off. “Miranda is with a friend I work with and his husband.”

“Oh, good, that’s good, one less thing to worry over,” Justine replied, glad for her sister that Adria had it all sorted though disappointed that her offer of help wasn’t accepted. Technically she’d been offering Xavier’s help, still, it might have at least felt useful if she could have done something for one of her siblings. As the eldest it sometimes struck Justine that she should have done more to make up for their parents. Such thoughts were generally fleeting though and she’d ultimately do nothing about them. She was a terrible sister and Bas might die never knowing her differently.

“Are you sure Xavier should be with your kids right now?” Adria asked. “Maybe my colleague should come pick up your kids. I don’t think he’d mind since they’re older than Miranda, they can’t be half the handful that she is, right?”

Justine felt somewhat comforted that her sister seemed to feel much the same way she did, the same need to reach out and finally be there like a sibling should.

“They’re fine with Xavier. He’s great with them actually.”

“But would Sebastian feel like it was fine and great? You and your family are close with this guy who our hospitalized brother has major issues with,” Adria pointed out.

Adria must have noticed how Justine and Quentin immediately stiffened. She adjusted her tone. “Admittedly I’m totally out of the loop on your situation and Sebastian’s, too. But I do know this guy almost married Sebastian’s wife. His presence in your life, at the very least that has to have been awkward for Bas or even feel like betrayal, which I’m sure hasn’t at all been your intention… And now with Bas in the hospital I’m just thinking maybe you should reconsider Xavier’s place in your life out of respect. Maybe I’m completely out of line here, but I feel like someone should look out for our brother.”

Episode 1095: Breathe

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