Boomtown- Poll:
Top Episodes

These are the lists that have been submitted, from newest to oldest

Gordon's Top 5 (Greenwood, SC USA)

  1. Pilot
  2. Blackout
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Storm Watch
  5. Execution

Natalie's Top 5 (Sunrise, FL USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. The Freak
  3. Monster's Brawl
  4. Sinola Cowboys
  5. Home Invasion

Adam's Top 5 (Frankfort, IN USA)

  1. Blackout
  2. Execution
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Inadmissible
  5. Pilot

Jennifer's Top 5 (Gaithersburg, MD USA)

  1. The Freak
  2. Coyote
  3. All Hallow's Eve
  4. Lost Child
  5. Fearless

ARRS's Top 5 (Virginia Beach, VA USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Execution
  3. The Freak
  4. Lost Child
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Kevin Clark's Top 5 (Cape Elizabeth, ME USA)

  1. Fearless
  2. Execution
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Storm Watch
  5. Pilot

Loretta's Top 5 (Saco, ME USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Fearless
  3. Home Invasion
  4. All Hallow's Eve
  5. The David McNorris Show

Sandie's Top 5 (Normandie, France)

  1. Pilot
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Sinola Cowboys
  4. The Freak
  5. Crash

Rachel's Top 5 (WI USA)

  1. Execution
  2. Storm Watch
  3. Big Picture
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. Pilot

Mary Jane's Top 5 (Mount Wolf, PA USA)

  1. Pilot
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Lost Child
  4. Blackout
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Sara's Top 5 (London, England)

  1. Pilot
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Monster's Brawl
  5. Fearless

Vinnie's Top 5 (Anaheim, CA USA)

  1. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  2. Fearless
  3. Execution
  4. Lost Child
  5. The Love of Money

Gunkie!'s Top 5 (Cambridge, MA USA)

  1. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  2. Fearless
  3. Reelin' in the Years
  4. Sinola Cowboys
  5. Blackout

Vicki's Top 5 (Shreveport, LA USA)

  1. Blackout
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Sinola Cowboys
  4. Execution
  5. Storm Watch

Jason Rose's Top 5 (Irving, TX USA)

  1. Fearless
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Blackout
  4. Lost Child
  5. Home Invasion

Bridget's Top 5 (Toledo, OH USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Fearless
  3. Storm Watch
  4. The Love of Money
  5. The Big Picture

Christopher Enis's Top 5 (Cleveland, OH USA)

  1. The Freak
  2. Home Invasion
  3. Fearless
  4. Execution
  5. Pilot

Shushka's Top 5 (Hobbs, NM USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. Pilot
  4. Execution
  5. Blackout

Eric Hall's Top 5 (Richmond, IN USA)

  1. Blackout
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. All Hallow's Eve
  4. Pilot
  5. Lost Child

Rachel's Top 5 (Milwaukee, WI USA)

  1. The Love of Money
  2. Execution
  3. Storm Watch
  4. Pilot
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Adam Notch's Top 5 (Chicago, IL USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. The Love of Money
  3. Pilot
  4. Storm Watch
  5. Execution

Nieke's Top 5 (San Antonio, TX USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Reelin' in the Years
  3. Storm Watch
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. Lost Child

MJ's Top 5 (York, PA USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Execution
  3. Blackout
  4. Pilot
  5. Insured by Smith and Wesson

Rachel's Top 5 (Milwaukee, WI USA)

  1. Storm Watch
  2. Execution
  3. Pilot
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. Lost Child

Rachel's Top 5 (Green Bay, WI USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Storm Watch
  3. The Squeeze
  4. All Hallow's Eve
  5. Monster's Brawl

Kate's Top 5 (Sydney, NSW Australia)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Storm Watch
  3. Monster's Brawl
  4. All Hallow's Eve
  5. Possession

Shaan Lien's Top 5 (St. Louis, MO USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Home Invasion
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  5. Fearless

Alberto Castillo's Top 5 (Brooklyn, NY USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. The Freak
  4. Pilot
  5. Crash

Brooke Matthews's Top 5 (Reading, PA USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Execution
  3. All Hallow's Eve
  4. Storm Watch
  5. Monster's Brawl

Jennie's Top 5 (Sandviken, Sweden)

  1. Lost Child
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Home Invasion
  4. Storm Watch
  5. Pilot

Michelle's Top 5 (Houston, TX USA)

  1. Blackout
  2. The David McNorris Show
  3. Execution
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. Possession

Jade's Top 5 (Port Macquarie, NSW Australia)

  1. Fearless
  2. Home Invasion
  3. Pilot
  4. The David McNorris Show
  5. Possession

Scott Greer's Top 5 (Somerset, KY USA)

  1. Coyote
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. Crash
  4. The David McNorris Show
  5. Possession

Nikki's Top 5 (London, UK)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. The David McNorris Show
  3. Reelin' in the Years
  4. Blackout
  5. Possession

Jennifer Bunch's Top 5 (Washington, DC USA)

  1. Execution
  2. Blackout
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Possession
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Mary Jane Myers's Top 5 (Manchester, PA USA)

  1. Lost Child
  2. Blackout
  3. Home Invasion
  4. Monster's Brawl
  5. The Freak

Allison's Top 5 (St. Louis, MO USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Lost Child
  5. All Hallow's Eve

Karen's Top 5 (Havertown, PA USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Execution
  3. Blackout
  4. Lost Child
  5. The David McNorris Show

Rachel's Top 5 (Park Falls, WI USA)

  1. Reelin' in the Years
  2. Storm Watch
  3. Execution
  4. Pilot
  5. All Hallow's Eve

Xena's Top 5 (Sydney, NSW Australia)

  1. Pilot
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Crash
  4. Blackout
  5. Lost Child

Stephanie's Top 5 (Milwaukee, WI USA)

  1. Reelin' in the Years
  2. Possession
  3. Home Invasion
  4. Blackout
  5. Coyote

Lauren's Top 5 (Morristown, NJ USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. The Freak
  4. The David McNorris Show
  5. Pilot

Ben Pinneo's Top 5 (Port Orchard, WA USA)

  1. Storm Watch
  2. Execution
  3. Pilot
  4. Fearless
  5. Possession

Laura's Top 5 (Issaquah, WA USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Pilot
  3. Possession
  4. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Alex's Top 5 (Sacramento, CA USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Pilot
  3. Coyote
  4. Fearless
  5. Insured by Smith and Wesson

Alex's Top 5 (Sacramento, CA USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Possession
  3. Coyote
  4. Fearless
  5. Blackout

Yellow's Top 5 (Durham, NC USA)

  1. Fearless
  2. Storm Watch
  3. Pilot
  4. The David McNorris Show
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Tpashawk's Top 5 (Los Angeles, CA USA)

  1. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  2. Coyote
  3. Home Invasion
  4. The David McNorris Show
  5. The Freak

Dave's Top 5 (Boston, MA USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Pilot
  3. The Squeeze
  4. The David McNorris Show
  5. Monster's Brawl

Jeremy's Top 5 (Valhalla, NY USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. Sinola Cowboys
  4. Possession
  5. Storm Watch

Sheldon's Top 5 (NB Canada)

  1. The Freak
  2. Reelin' in the Years
  3. Coyote
  4. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  5. All Hallow's Eve

Kylie's Top 5 (Perth, WA Australia)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Sinola Cowboys
  3. Crash
  4. All Hallow's Eve
  5. Monster's Brawl

Linda's Top 5 (Knoxville, TN USA)

  1. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  2. Storm Watch
  3. Home Invasion
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. The Squeeze

Joanne's Top 5 (Long Beach, CA USA)

  1. All Hallow's Eve
  2. Pilot
  3. Coyote
  4. Monster's Brawl
  5. Reelin' in the Years

Rachel's Top 5 (Park Falls, WI USA)

  1. Pilot
  2. Reelin' in the Years
  3. All Hallow's Eve
  4. Storm Watch
  5. Execution

Steve Gaydon's Top 5 (Coal, PA USA)

  1. Monster's Brawl
  2. Execution
  3. Possession
  4. Home Invasion
  5. Crash

Jimmy's Top 5 (New York, NY USA)

  1. Home Invasion
  2. Coyote
  3. Execution
  4. Monster's Brawl
  5. Reelin' in the Years

GeonnC's Top 5 (Yukon, OK USA)

  1. Pilot
  2. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  3. Home Invasion
  4. All Hallow's Eve
  5. Possession

Phil R's Top 5 (Baltimore, MD USA)

  1. Reelin' in the Years
  2. The Freak
  3. Home Invasion
  4. The Squeeze
  5. The David McNorris Show

Rachel's Top 5 (Hartford, WI USA)

  1. Reelin' in the Years
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Monster's Brawl
  4. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  5. Possession

Bill's Top 5 (WI USA)

  1. Monster's Brawl
  2. The Squeeze
  3. All Hallow's Eve
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. Sinola Cowboys

Rachel's Top 5 (WI USA)

  1. Reelin' in the Years
  2. Monster's Brawl
  3. Pilot
  4. Possession
  5. All Hallow's Eve

Michelle's Top 5 (Los Angeles, CA USA)

  1. Crash
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  4. Home Invasion
  5. The David McNorris Show

Tom K's Top 5 (Bristol, TN USA)

  1. The Squeeze
  2. The David McNorris Show
  3. Reelin' in the Years
  4. Crash
  5. Coyote

Rhaine's Top 5 (Sarasota, FL USA)

  1. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  2. Coyote
  3. Sinola Cowboys
  4. Home Invasion
  5. The David McNorris Show

Kyle's Top 5 (CT USA)

  1. The Freak
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Reelin' in the Years
  4. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  5. The David McNorris Show

Brian's Top 5 (New York, NY USA)

  1. Coyote
  2. Monster's Brawl
  3. Pilot
  4. Reelin' in the Years
  5. Sinola Cowboys

Emily's Top 5 (Jackson, MS USA)

  1. All Hallow's Eve
  2. Pilot
  3. Coyote
  4. Possession
  5. The Freak

Vivian's Top 5 (Holly Springs, NC USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Insured by Smith and Wesson
  4. Possession
  5. Sinola Cowboys

Heather L's Top 5 (Fresno, CA USA)

  1. The David McNorris Show
  2. Monster's Brawl
  3. Crash
  4. All Hallow's Eve
  5. Sinola Cowboys

Greg Zairk's Top 5 (New York, NY USA)

  1. Coyote
  2. The Squeeze
  3. The David McNorris Show
  4. Monster's Brawl
  5. All Hallow's Eve

Christina's Top 5 (Smithville, MO USA)

  1. Monster's Brawl
  2. All Hallow's Eve
  3. Crash
  4. Sinola Cowboys
  5. Pilot