Title: Passport to the Universe Season: 1 Episode: 4 First Air Date: March 21, 2001 TV Ratings: ? Teleplay: Stephen Adly Guirgis Story: David Milch & Anthony Yerkovich Director: David Jones Guest Stars:
Our Rating: 8/10
Fan Rating: 8/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)
Review/Synopsis: Get the feeling that Terry Maddock is the one actually popping off those Kucha tribal idiots? Chris Scott could certainly use a sandy beach what with that constantly pained expression of his you’d think a third degree sunburn might be a nice change. Suspicious of his sudden prison release he sulked over to Terry’s for his daily dose of brainwashing where he learned that the Russians are conspiring against him (setting up the warehouse takedown) and that Maddock saved his sorry- Chris also expressed interest in buying a certain bridge. Over at the strip club, silent Mitya, (newly outed to the viewers as an ebullient sweetheart of a guy, working with Flynn) was told by Mogilevich to take out Corelli and show Terry that they mean business; really it was as pathetically attempted as Elisabeth thwarting the alliance. Mitya, knowing that the Italian was wired pumped up the Manson and in came semi-clueless Mooney and Trout to save the day. On the personal side, Mooney’s living murkier than anything Maddock could cook up. Sis Lois took a turn, his guilt set in and he accompanied her on a long delayed teary-eyed confectionary trip to the planetarium. Mike also booked a nearby hotel in case she worsened, which Vincent turned it into lemonade as a love nest for he and Brigid (until their beepers sounded). Of course this is the same Vincent who back at the bureau was blushing like a schoolboy when head cheerleader Sarah Day complimented him on the warehouse incident. Sarah, however, seems to have quite the eyes for Big Jim Flynn, who got a message from god about not getting too comfy by way of cutting a bagel. Between prophecies, Jimmy explained to Sarah that Preecher’s wife and son died in a car accident, which was the distraction that Cooper mentioned. Good, now there’s only a million and nine more questions that need answering. Back to the beepers, Mooney and Trout reported for duty outside the strip club. Terry, intent on showing the Russians a little American know-how, whacked Corelli himself, and all while retaining the immunity idol for another week.