- Lois Mooney: "You know I saw Donnie Brasco on channel 9 last night."
Mike: "Here we go, here we go with the shoe squeezing, me getting transferred to the Bureau."
Lois Mooney: "I noticed now you look a lot like Johnny Depp."
Mike: "I do yeah?"
Lois Mooney: "Both handsome, both F.B.I.."
- Mike: "That high liquefier is that helping?"
Rosemary: "Oh for heaven‘s sake!"
Mike: "What‘s wrong?"
Rosemary: "Nothing, I should be with your sister."
Mike: "Something wrong?"
Rosemary: "I have to go."
- Preecher: "How about a quick briefing on our operation?"
Bob Cooper: "You know me I delegate."
Preecher: "Up to you."
Cooper: "Most general kind of weather report, sunny skies over Eastern Europe."
Preecher: "Yeah, the task force work is proceeding."
Cooper: "What is the deal with that Russian club stripper thing, that girl that got murdered?"
Preecher: "Victoria Tompkins."
Cooper: "Why are we up to our hips in that?"
Preecher: "The club operator is one of our targets, we thought it was prudent to keep tabs on the NYPD investigation."
Cooper: "Brief going over I gave those materials, that case is a ground ball. She was killed by one of their bouncers."
Preecher: "That‘s sure is the look of things"
Cooper: "But NYPD is still working it."
Preecher: "Ah, tying up some loose ends."
Cooper: "If our goal is keeping an operation on course, don‘t you want them wrapping up as soon as possible?"
Preecher: "Certainly."
Cooper: "I mean, you know me Will, I delegate but just seems self-evident."
Preecher: "You make a good point."
Cooper: "I mean for the sake of your overall objective you want to shut that murder part down."
Preecher: "Consistent with the interests of justice?"
Cooper: "Goes without saying."
- Jimmy: "Is he (Cooper) gone"
Sarah: "Yeah"
Jimmy: "What a dick."
- Jimmy: "You were Jiminy Cricket, Sarah, in the school production of Pinocchio."
Sarah: "Who’d you play Jimmy?"
Jimmy: (makes gesture with hands indicating a growing nose)
- Mooney to Stenzal: "You screwed me up two-ways from Tuesday, I don‘t need no favors like that."
- Howard Klein: "I‘m a scotch guy for god sakes that heroin wasn‘t mine."
Mooney: "Not insulting you, that‘s what you‘d say if it was."
Howard: "That heroin was planted..."
- Mooney: "This was about you, you’re the target, you’re who someone wants to hurt and someone’s inside you, you know it."
Klein: "I couldn‘t imagine who it could be."
Mooney: "Yes you can Howard, you just won‘t and if you don‘t pretty soon there‘s a body bag in your future, cause the guy your standing in for on the Vicky Tompkins homicide, he already had two other people croaked. If you say you don‘t know what I‘m talking about I walking out of this room and out the door of this station house."
- Cooper: "I wanna find out what Sarah Day‘s career is going to look like in a perfect world five years down the road."
Sarah: "Join the club."
Cooper: "Is she still in New York City?"
Sarah: "I‘m not good at these kinds of hypotheticals sir."
Cooper: "The correct answer is no. New York is not where Sarah Day stayed. It’s where she got he ticket punched on the way to Washington, D.C."
- Inspector Cooper: "Wake up too many mornings confused about your loyalties Sarah, and your priorities, the sewage starts to rise, one day you realize you’ve stopped wading and you’ve started to swim. Even on your tippy toes you can‘t touch bottom anymore. Welcome to the Big Apple"
- Cooper: "While you do your time here, it‘s so damned important to keep a safety line out to the outside world."
Sarah: "So I don‘t lose bureau perspective?"
Cooper: "That’s what we wanted to tell you, keep a line out. Keep communications open."
Sarah: "Who should I keep them open with?"
Cooper: "I‘ve come to volunteer."
- Teddy: "How was lunch?"
Sarah: "Well... sir it was one of those uh... lunches where right after lunch you just want to take a good long shower."
Teddy: "Sorry."
- Sarah to Preecher on Cooper: "Do you want me to steer him or should I just let him steer me?"
- Dick Plato: "He wants you to do another one and he wants it done right away."
Terry: "That son of a bitch called me up at three o’clock in the morning okay, terrified, covered in blood from some chick he carved up getting his load off... telling me he‘ll do anything I want if I just make it go away and he sends you to tells me I gotta do more?"
Dick: "Your in for a penny, your in for a pound Terry."
- Preecher: "A few words to the man of honor might be called for tonight Teddy."
Teddy: "Why?"
Preecher: "Let Mr. Stark know the message he instructed, whom ever he owns in the bureau to send down our chain of command reached it‘s proper destination."
Teddy: "You think Cooper‘s overture today was a way of warning you off?"
Preecher: "Cooper‘s too good a bureaucrat to risk approaching her that way without knowing his downside to protecting her."
Teddy: "Which means he’s working under orders?"
Preecher: "Whether he understands why he’s been given the orders is another question."
Teddy: "Bob‘s not trouble that way."
Preecher: "Cooper‘s successful with Day, Washington has it‘s mole, if he fails and Day reports the approach to us, they still accomplish their purpose by letting us know how high up the interest goes in killing the investigation."
- Trout: "What‘s on your mind Mike?"
Mooney: "Concerned about my sister you know?"
Trout: "I see."
Mooney: "That’s all, she definitely failing, miserable Lou Gerig’s disease. Definitely."
- Mooney to Klein: "You‘re a target and I want you alive to reach out and when you do... remember what happened in this room."
- Mooney: "Sometimes when we think we‘re helping someone all we‘re doing is hurting them. Hurting them because we’re making wrong assumptions about what’s in their best interest. Being blind to their needs, selfishly doing things to make us feel good... so we don’t have to face any certain painful truths. Important lesson to learn in life no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much!"
- Sandra: "May I say you look great?"
Sarah: "Thank you"
Sandra: "Something’s different, you‘ve changed your hair if that‘s not too presumptuous."
Sarah: "Yeah, I changed it a little bit."
Sandra: "its very cosmopolitan, very New York."
Sarah: "Thanks, I guess I was just trying to fit in."
Sandra: "You trying... I mean you‘re in."
- Sarah: "Anything behind your back besides your hands Jimmy?"
Jimmy: "It‘s my inventory list. I wanna say two things before I give it to you."
Sarah: "Give me the damn inventory."
Jimmy: "Two things, first I walked to the edge of the cliff ready to jump and Preecher said he didn‘t need to see that happen."
Sarah: "The illegal cameras in the back of Terry Maddock’s"
Jimmy: "You been reading my diaries?"
Sarah: "I had a vision"
Jimmy: "The one in the front of Maddock’s is court ordered, the one in the back of the kitchen isn‘t."
Sarah: "So that’d be a yes?"
Jimmy: "Yes, the camera in the back of Maddock’s place is jackpot..."
- Cooper: "Lawrence Stark, your paths ever cross with Lawrence Stark Will?"
Preecher: "Enough to know who he is."
Cooper: "I like the guy."
Teddy: "Tough customer."
Cooper: "What‘s wrong with that?"
Teddy: "Not one damn thing."
Cooper: "I like him because of the people who don’t. He rolls his sleeves up, he doesn’t apologize. Knows how to enjoy himself and he does a lot of good."
Preecher: "Working up to proposing Bob?"
Cooper: "I’m a married man Will."
Preecher: "Forgot your ring."
Cooper: "Sometimes when I travel I keep it home, hate to lose it."
- Cooper: "Maybe it’s because of the curve ball life has thrown him but Will has a tendency... to personalize things... to find amongst various events some dark connection where none exists."
Sarah: "Uncharacteristic for someone with such a distinguished career."
Cooper: "And distinguished is where we want to keep it, that‘s why, it would be so good for Will, me, the bureau... good for you Sarah if you were to just keep a professional ear to the ground, keep me apprized of any developments in the Vicky Tompkins thing. Sort of help me help Will and when I say that it would be good for you I mean in every way you want it to be good."
Sarah: "What kind of curve ball?"
Cooper: "hmm?"
Preecher: "You said life through him one."
Cooper: "Personal tragedy."
- Preecher: "We need to talk to you about the murder in your building."
Stark: "You still with the F.B.I."
Preecher: "Yes, criminal division"
Stark: "It doesn‘t strike immediately why the bureau would be involved."
Preecher: "We’re helping the NYPD investigate."
Stark: "Good for you"
Preecher: "Will you find it convenient next few days to talk to some detectives about your comings and goings that night?"
Stark: "These detectives dispatch you to the men‘s urinal to ask me that?"
Preecher: "Your building’s surveillance cameras were disabled, we have to canvas all the residents."
Stark: "If I get a request through the appropriate channels, you‘ll find me happy to cooperate."
Preecher: "I‘ve always taken you for wanting to get your message out more than going through the proper channels."
Stark: "You‘ve given me all that much thought Mr. Preecher?"
Preecher: "Off and on."
Stark: "Hmm, I must have impress you giving my deposition."
Preecher: "And subsequently."
Stark: "Journeyman bank wasn’t it?"
Preecher: "Money laundering that‘s right."
Stark: "What became of that, any indictments?"
Preecher: "None."
- Preecher to Stark: "Everything you‘ve done should be recognized."
- Preecher: "I hope I'm not been to forward if I mention that your heart (pin) is askew."
Joan: "Can you fix it without breaking it?"
- Klein to Maddock: "You‘re the one (Mooney) he warned me about."
- Jimmy: "Ordinarily Sarah this would be the time when I try and make a pass at you."
Sarah: "Yeah, I could see that happening"
Jimmy: "But... in a life filled with mistakes this one I’m going to try to avoid making."
Sarah: "Let‘s get out of here Jimmy"
- Maddock on the phone: "I’m Terry Maddock, I don’t do street work anymore. Do you understand me. If he wants this guy so bad he oughta come down out of that penthouse and clip the guy himself. "
- Mike to Lois: "Lives you‘ve changed teaching, I hope you appreciate them... all these girls coming back here to help you."
- Lois Mooney: "Comes a time I‘m not going to want to struggle to eat."
Mike: "Well that‘s the equivalent of saying you want a feeding tube stuck in you sis, unpleasant as that is, that’s the reality of what your saying because the only other alternative because... because people can‘t live with out nutrition and if you don‘t eat then you gotta have a feeding tube... or else you can‘t stay alive."
Lois Mooney: "Comes a time."